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Comments on Interim Exhibition/Project: Ulrich Lehmann and Victoria Kelley

It is interesting to see here a presentation that was rather antithetical to orthodox ‘fashion’ presentations in that it affects the graphic style of marketing or branding displays. This is surely prompted by the terminology as well as methodology that guides the project, and as such is a good and direct visual reflection of conceptual ideas – even if it relies on a substantial amount of text for its explanation. However, the systematic and even didactic character of the presentation represents the linear path of research and concept development very well; although the beholder might be left thus with a very descriptive account that largely lacks an evocative or emotive dimension.

The student has situated her research project within the overall concept of ‘experience economy’, in which services, commodities, environments and interaction vie for each other to stimulate consumption. As balance the student added the ‘non-commercial’ sector into the mix, i.e. that of the arts where the notions of e.g. performance or consumptions have acquired a substantially different set of meanings. In relation to these larger contexts the display presented a sub-set that bore – a touch confusingly – the term ‘experience design’ (rather than experiential design?) in order to situate the creation of objects within such service and interactive environments. The case studies elaborated visually on these ideas and the future project development will, in all probability, take on the character of such virtual spaces to create a ‘travel centre’ that houses prime examples of the experience economy.

During the viva the student was able to articulate clearly and eloquently the main points of her research to date but was, necessarily perhaps, more unsure about the next stage of the project. But her command of the area of research and the material, as well as her industrious investigation of primary sources/experiences certainly instils confidence in the potential and validity of her project.


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