After a 5,000 word research paper, we were suddenly asked to have an interim presentation and exhibition to show our progress to tutors and the outside examiner. An A1 poster, research folder, PPT and presentation are required. I started them last night since I haven't got any clear idea to present as well as my new development until last night. We r asked to finished installing and decorating everything today by 5 b4 the exhi. launched tmr. I finished this morning at 9 o'clock something, however, as I were saving the files and going to school, suddenly faint and feel of being vomit attacked me, I even nearly couldnt stand and walk normally. I am forced to sleep for a while, and when I wake up I got one kilogram lost. @@" welldone....!
It's reeeeeeeeeally precious that I could have time to dress, make up and eat lunch b4 presentation, I feel so happy to prepare things casually this afternoon...Everybody has shown their work and experiment quit lot....looks fun...but I could only show the figures cuz I am doing research, research and research......sigh! MA base room are divided into two parts for MA Design and Fashion.
我們班的正妹強者Hollie每次的東西都好特別 他的主題是 殘缺 破壞 老舊之類的東西
測試了整整一盒的布 用各種顏料跟材質
我家Doris的剪紙很有去 那報紙不是貼上去的喔 是熱轉印上去的 摸起來是神奇的布的感覺
Olive's Alice's wonderland